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  • June 8, 2016 16 min 2 sec

My feet are better than her's

Rose Eliška

Eliška and Rose are going to Charlie's home after a big party. It's late, girls are drunk and they start to fight about Charlie and they fight dirty. Both girls tease him with their feet and are bad-mouthing each other and Charlie get really uncomfortable. He wants their feet and those girls but they are fighting all the time. After a lot has been said the girls reconcile and start to play with each other and compliment each other's feet and bodies. Charlie is watching it all while massaging and worshiping their feet and all 3 of them enjoy it greatly. It looks like Charlie is gonna score twice today because the girls just asked him to make the bed for all of them and that they are getting dirty ideas already...the dog!

Related Tags

Bare feet Foot teasing Nylons Big feet Long toes Foot smelling Foot worship


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